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Hosted Party: HouseParty
Brand: Huggies
Product: Pull-Ups

Party Title: Your Day, Your Way: Pull-Ups® Feb. 11 House Party

Party Description: It’s a House Party! Huggie’s Pull-ups Style. Come for some mommy and tot fun and potty training tips! Snacks, music, games and fun! Limited to 14 potty training kids!

Provided by HouseParty:
•(1) Walmart® Gift Card for host
•(14) Pull-Ups® Potty Dance Sticker Sheets
•(14) Pull-Ups® Potty Training Success DVDs
•(14) Pull-Ups® Potty Day Dance Instructional Mats
•(14) Pull-Ups® Potty Dance Progress Charts
•(14) Pull-Ups® Potty Dance Door Hangers
•(14) Pull-Ups® Potty Dance Inflatable Guitars
•(14) Pull-Ups® Big Kid® Club Information Cards with Point Code
•(14) Walmart® and Pull-Ups® Potty Dance Coupon Books

Now, that we have all the specifics out-of-the-way I can get to the fun part!

Decorations: HouseParty had a whole bunch of party favors to download and that made it easy to start the decorating process. This was a fun theme to decorate. I hung several Pull-Ups Posters and a HouseParty poster in the party room. I had cut-outs of guitars hanging from the ceiling referring to the blow up guitars included in the party kit. Also, from the party kit, I laid out the dance mats with a blow up guitar ready to go on the floor. I made up several baskets of pull-ups decorated for a boy or girl and were ready to be given away. I also had blue and pink balloons in assorted groups through the house.

Food: This party included both moms and toddlers so I planned a versatile and kid friendly menu. My counter was lined with juice boxes, tot sized water bottles and sodas for the moms that might need a little caffeine kick to keep up with the dancing little ones. I had finger foods ready to snack on. Our menu included a fruit plate, a raw veggie plate, goldfish shaped crackers and unsalted popcorn.

Activities: This party had a little bit for everyone. The moms watched the instructional part of the video provided and everyone picked out a date to start the potty training challenge with their child. While the moms watched, the kids listened to some potty time sing along songs and we all checked out the Pull-Ups potty training app available on iTunes. This was great for the kids, it has a timer you can set and reward you child stars at every successful potty. After so many stars, the little one unlocks a new game! Great positive reinforcement they can visualize and moms can track. Moms and kids all got together, jumped on their Potty Dance mats and danced along with the video! The kids AND moms were rocking with their guitars and really getting excited about potty-training. I held a contest for the best Potty Dance by a mom and let the kids decide 🙂 The winners received a basket of Pull-ups and wipes.

Goodie Bags: No one went home empty-handed because each guest left with a Pull-Ups themed goodie bag. Each bag was actually a beige tote bag that could double as quick diaper bag or Pull-Ups bag 😉 Inside were Potty Dance sticker sheets, a Potty Training Success DVD, a Potty Dance Progress Chart, Potty Dance Door Hangers, a Pull-Ups Big Kid Club Information Card and a Wal-Mart/Pull-Ups Potty Dance coupon book. Everyone also put their guitars and Potty Dance Instructional Mats in their bag as well.

Overview: HouseParty made this an easy party to plan by providing a shopping list to download as well as party favors and coloring sheets. I took pictures and tweeted updates of our fun throughout the party. The overall atmosphere was fun and kept everyone enjoying the party. It was both informational, productive and entertaining. The video was not boring and kept everyone involved and attentive. The goodie bag was a hit and the coupons were much appreciated by our frugal moms. The guitars were a rockin’ incentive for the kids to get excited about potty training. All the moms and kids left with a potty training plan and resources to get them started on a successful path. The Pull-Ups Potty Dance definitely caught on at this party.
Learn more at Pull-Ups® and Wal-Mart® on Facebook

Disclosure: I received materials and coupons from HouseParty.com